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Defined as corundum in any color other than red - due to the fact that red corundum is instead referred to as ruby - sapphire is one of the four gemstones previously thought of as “precious”. However, this term is seldom used today.

The name sapphire is derived from the Greek word for “blue”, and this remains, by far, the color with which it is most associated. As a result, it is customary within the gem trade for non-blue, or fancy, stones to be prefixed by their specific hue (e.g. yellow sapphire, etc.).

The most valuable fancy variety is the orangish-pink padparadscha from Sri Lanka, while the island is also the primary source for yellow stones. As pink sapphires are essentially low-saturation rubies, they are often found in the same localities as their famous red counterparts. However, a recently discovered deposit in Madagascar produces much brighter magenta-colored material.

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Burmese Pink Sapphire Lot
$ 500.00
48 pcs 13.05cts

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